This year we're working hard to encourage participation in organized Discus Hand Launch (DLG) flight. This segment of the hobby is growing across North America. With plenty of casual DLG flyers, in the area, we've decided to step up our game with the intent of hosting an F3K event later in 2015. In 2015 we will settle into a montly cadendce, likely one Saturday per month, stay tuned for more details.

The purest, most simple niche of our hobby, we encourage you to join us. Cost of entry is low, and we'll help you setup and fly your model.

F3K Clinic

At the end of 2014 we began the process of bringing club pilots up to speed by hosting the F3K clinics. Lead by Reto Fiolka, we're learning the fundementals of DLG flight and contest dynamics.  As part of this process, we  record throwing techique which we're saving here for analysis and comparison... we're taking this seriously people...

Reto   |   Barry   |   Tim   |    Eric   |    Chris   |   Dietmar



F3K Resources

FAI Rules